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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Crochet pansy pattern

I decided to crochet pansies.
 I like pansies and I always wanted to make some. I tried and I tried and in the  end I succeeded. They are so nice! It was a little hard because I don't have a book with crochet flowers and I tried to make them just looking at one. Now that I made them I can say that it's very easy.
In the future I want to try to crochet a lot of flowers, butterflies and leafs.
I started for the moment with pansies.
So, I decided to show you how to crochet a pansy.
Here are my pansies:

I hope it's useful for you.


  1. TOO CUTE, thanks a million

  2. Thank you! I made brooches from them and some hairpins for my daughter.

  3. Lovely! Thanks for sharing the pattern...especially the graphic, which I appreciate even more.

  4. lovely, danke für Zeigen und Teilen

    liebe Grüße Traudi

  5. Pansies are one of my very favourite flowers and I was so excited when I found you beautiful pattern. Thank you for sharing this and so many other patterns.
