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Monday, November 28, 2011

Granny square handbag

Last year I knit a vest for my daughter:

This is the vest:

IMG_6297 by flory_happy_woman

I found a little bit wool and I decided to crochet a granny square handbag for my daughter.

IMG_6232 by flory_happy_woman

With a little white because I did'n have enough wool for the handbag.

IMG_6231 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6229 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6236 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6301 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6302 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6303 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6304 by flory_happy_woman

A beautiful set and a little space in my closet.


  1. Te felicit pentru rabdare si imaginatie!
    Din pacate mie mi-a pierit cheful si de-a mai coase macar o soseta!Cumnata!

  2. Multumesc!
    Ma bucur ca ai trecut pe la mine.
    Eu am rabdare si nu am stare. Nu pot sta pur si simplu sa ma uit la televizor, trebuie sa fac ceva ca altfel ma apuca toate cele.
    Chiar si cand ma odihnesc trebuie sa dau din croseta sau andrele.

  3. si eu de cand s-a nascut Eduard nu cred ca am mai avut rabdare sa vad un film de la inceput pana la sfarsit :(
    dragut setul

  4. Multumesc Cristina!
    Noi suntem deja mari si pot face multe acum.
    O sa creasca si Eduard si o sa faci ce vrei tu.

  5. Hi Cristina, it is a beautiful handbag for you daughter. I loves Granny's , bye bye,Roos.
