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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The vine suit

The vine suit is ready. Finally!!!
I don't like green. It was hard from this point of view. My eyes are tired and I feel nauseous.
I think it looks good.

IMG_6000 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_5994 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_5995 by flory_happy_woman

My daughter has a violet turtleneck and a violet tights for this suit.
I must apply some little grapes on a violet head band and that's all.
I really don't know what to do on the back. To put or not to put something.


  1. Arata super bine!!!Cred ca la spate ar mai merge vreo 2 struguri pusi in partea de jos... dar asta e doar parerea mea... tu iti dai seama cel mai bine.
    Madalina M.

  2. Multumesc Mada! Sunt prea obosita si am o greata teribila dupa atata verde. Nu-mi place nici o aranjare acum. Stiu doar ca trebuie sa nu o jeneze cand sta pe scaunel. Poate maine dupa un somn bun o sa am vreo idee, daca nu... asa ramane.

  3. uite ca la asta nu ma gandisem, ca ar putea sa o jeneze atunci cand sta pe scaunel... acum, daca ma intrebi, as zice sa o lasi asa cum e.
    Madalina M.
