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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Granny square bracelet

My daughter wants to crochet her a lot of bracelets.
I'm working in secret when she's not home or is sleeping to a granny square handbag for her.
She saw me one day crocheting little white granny square for the handbag.
So I decided to make her a bracelet from that little white granny square.
This is what I did:

IMG_6251 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6230 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6234 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6242 by flory_happy_woman

IMG_6249 by flory_happy_woman

She was so happy.
And I was happy, too.
She didn't catch me!!!
The handbag will be a present under The Christmas Tree.